Things don't always turn out the way they were planned, and when a baby or children are involved, the stakes are high. Reaching a happy ending to a difficult family situation often takes a lot of hard work, careful planning and the commitment of a loving family.
Many times, a grandparent may ask: How do I adopt my son's baby? Or my daughter's children? Or a step-parent may want to know: How do I adopt my wife's daughter? Or my husband's son? Or my nieces and nephews? Many such questions are frequently asked regarding the procedures for relative and stepparent adoptions in Florida.
While most newborn baby adoptions in Florida must be handled by attorneys or adoption agencies, it is important to know that for stepparent or relative adoptions, you may have less expensive options to choose from that can potentially save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
In cases where a relative within the third degree of consanguinity (i.e. a grandparent, sibling, cousin, aunt or uncle, etc.) is able to obtain the agreement and consent of the parents, a relative adoption in Florida can proceed smoothly through the courts and can be finalized a lot quicker than you may think.
Likewise, if you are a stepparent wishing to adopt your stepchild, and the non-adopting parent is willing to sign the appropriate court documents, a complete stepparent adoption package may be presented to the Court, and the step-parent adoption may be finalized as an uncontested matter after a short hearing.
Usually, most people approach an adoption attorney to handle these types of cases, and that's not a bad thing if you can afford it. A competent adoption attorney is able to conclude any uncontested adoption and also provide you with advice and guidance in situations where the consent of one, or both parents, has not been obtained. If you decide you need an attorney, I would suggest choosing one who is Board Certified in adoption law. For families with simple and uncontested matters who cannot afford to retain the services of a Florida adoption attorney for document preparation work, allow me to suggest the following option:
Consider hiring Florida Family Adoptions, a nonlawyer document preparation business. From my office in Daytona Beach, I have had the privilege of helping many families throughout Florida who were big on love, but short on money, achieve their goals. I provide accuratley prepared step-parent or relative adoption document packets that have been pre-approved by the Florida Supreme Court for use throughout the State by pro se parties. I will properly complete your documents at your specific direction using the factual information that you provide.
I am always thrilled when my customers call to tell me that their case has been approved and scheduled for finalization by the court without complications or issues. Seeing a family come together is always gratifying. Helping a child achieve permanency in a secure, loving and stable home is something I treasure.
I am always thrilled when my customers call to tell me that their case has been approved and scheduled for finalization by the court without complications or issues.
It is also important to know that relative adoptions in Florida may qualify for the federal adoption tax credit, which can be a terrific benefit.
My main office is located on the east coast of Central Florida in Daytona Beach, but my adoption document customers reside mostly in other areas of Florida. I frequently prepare the required documents and travel throughout Florida to meet my customers for signing and notarization of the various forms. Florida Family Adoption's stepparent and relative adoption nonlawyer document preparation service is truly a mobile operation most of the time!
If I can help you achieve your goals, I would be happy to discuss my non-lawyer document preparation services with you.
Use this CONTACT form to send me a message, or simply call me at 800-255-5287, and we can discuss the nonlawyer document preparation services that I provide.
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Florida Family Adoptions is a
Florida business in good standing, registered with the Florida Department of
State, Division of Corporations. Florida Family Adoptions is not a law firm or an adoption
agency, and its employees are not attorneys or paralegals and cannot give you
legal advice or represent you in court.
800-255-5287 Línea Gratuita
Se Habla Español
La adopción de parientes en la Florida debe ser siempre acsesible, pero a menos que usted conozca sus opciones, podría estar fuera del alcance de muchas familias que tienen mucho amor, pero poco dinero.
Mi servicio le puede preparar un paquete completo de documentos legales aprobado en el estado de la Florida, para las adopciones de parientes. Durante muchos años, he trabajado para la mayoría de los abogados de adopción. Ahora, soy dueña de mi propio negocio y trabajo para tí.
Si usted es un padrastro. madrasta o un pariente que desea adoptar a un miembro de su familia, debes asegurarte de que sus documentos legales de adopción están adecuadamente preparados por un profesional que sabe lo que están haciendo.
Con la opción de preparación de documentos legales, es possible ahorrar cientos, si no miles de dólares, en el cumplimiento de meta familiar.
Antes de confiarle un trabajo tan importante a cualquier, le invite a visitar mi página web para que lea acerca de mis calificaciones y experiencia. Luego, tome el teléfono y llame a Mari Medina. Yo le diré todo sobre el los servicios de preparación de documentos de adopción de parientes que proporciono a traves de mi oficina.
Garantizamos nuestros servicios. Todo nuestro tiempo de viaje y notarizaciones están incluidos en nuestros precios. No hay cargos ocultos. Esto no es un servicio de Internet virtual. No estamos fuera del estado de la Florida. La mayor parte de nuestro negocio se llevará a cabo cara a cara, en un lugar que usted elija, o en mi oficina.
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